Your Marine Radio is one of the most important pieces of Safety Equipment aboard your boat.
In an effort to increase safety at sea, Marine Rescue in WA have networked Coastal Communications Stations from Kununurra in the North to Esperance in the South using Radio over Internet Protocol or RoIP technology. This means that the Western Australian Marine Radio Network can now be monitored anywhere there is a reasonable internet connection.
The purchase and installation of the necessary equipment was completed by the end of 2022 at which time receiving equipment was installed at the WA Water Police Base, North Fremantle. This means that the Distress and Urgency channel 16 at 36 Coast Stations along the coast are now monitored 24/7 to assist vessels the get into difficulty. This has also increased the capability of organising and administering Search and Rescue operations where necessary.
The next phase in the project is the standing up of a Marine Radio Communications Support Group (MRCSG). This will consist of highly trained Shore Based Radio operators who will provide a 24/7 radio Log On/Log Off (LOLO) and safety service for areas where local Marine Rescue Groups are unable to provide this service or are only able to provide limited coverage due to limited volunteer numbers.
This phase is now in progress and is due to be competed by the end of 2024 - early 2025. This will coincide with the introduction of a LOLO Phone App attached to the Deckee Platform.
For further information on the RoIP Project, watch the video below: