If you are going boating along the Western Australian coast or taking a trip out to sea, the following items will be of interest.
Find a VMR Group near you
If you are going boating along the Western Australian coast or taking a trip out to sea, the following items will be of interest.
Radio communications
Each of our member groups has a set of radio channels that they monitor for emergency purposes. The following communications charts provide details of 27MHz, VHF and HF radio frequencies being monitored around WA.
Log on/off with Volunteer Marine Rescue
Our member groups are more than happy for you to log on with them when you are out on the water. Just remember to log off before you return home. The following guide will help you learn the kind of information our groups require.
Log On/Off with Volunteer Marine Rescue (464 KB PDF)
Phonetic alphabet and radio speak
Knowing how to properly communicate with radio operators using the phonetic alphabet and radio protocols is key to having a good time out in the water. Here is a list with some radio terms and what they mean.
VHF repeater stations
A network of VHF repeater stations are being developed at strategic points along the Western Australian coast to extend the range of VHF transmissions. Here is a list of repeater channels and their current locations.
WA weather information
To find out what the weather will be like be sure to explore these useful maritime links
More information and contact
For further details on radio communications please email media@vmrwa.org.au